Created a meaningful Birthday party for PHAN LỆ LINH
Ms. Dam Bich Lien and Phung Tich, and other members of the Board ofDirectors of I’m for World Peace Foundation, Germany Chapter, were successful in organizing twobirthday parties, and two food sales, to raise funds to build a 44′ long bridgein Vietnam.
The birthday party of Ms. Phan Le Linh happened at her private residence on Saturday Jun 12, 2008 in Hamburg, Germany and resulted in the generous contribution of 2,000 Euros. We’re thanking Linh, her husband Hồ Phat, their wonderful two daughters, KimVăn and Kim hi, her mother, Mrs. Tăng Hồng Sương, and all brothers with their families and friends, who gathered to make this party a meaningful one for Linh. The founder of the I’m for World Peace Foundation gifted a Dharma talk for about 50 members. The dinner, music and dances, cake, the Quan Yin statue, fish pond, parklike backyard and guests made everything wonderful and pleasant. Thanks to Linh, Kim Văn and other family members for their generous offerings.
LÊ BẢO UYÊN of Meeting Point, Hamburg
She thanks for her good life-shares her goodness with other misfortunes
At the beautiful and pleasant Meeting Point Restaurant in Hamburg Bay Harbor, Germany, the Owner’s is Ms. Uyen Le Bao hosted and celebrated her own birthday party which occurred on Jun 20, 2008. The bay ferry passed by occasionally and the atmosphere was totally enjoyable. The food served by the owner of “Meeting Point” Restaurant, Ms. Uyen Le Bao, was all delicious. Her friends, German dining guests, and her family joined the Party. Uyen expressed that she and her family have been blessed by Buddha and by deities. Owning three restaurants in Hamburg, she has had a successful life here in Germany. To give thanks for her good life, she wanted to do something to share with others who have had misfortunes, and that is the reason for offering this birthday party for the I’m for World PeaceFoundation, to get money to build 44′ long bridge in Vietnam (same bridge).
Counting the donations, after guests ate well, resulted in 1,175 Euros. The Venerable Hanh Tri, the founder of the I Am forWorld Peace Foundation, then asked each guest to contribute a little more to make it match with Linh’s party and the guests all agreed to donate more money, especially Mr. Bac Nam, who helped the venerable to ask for money from his friends and was able to make the total 2,000E. Uyên Lê Bảo,we appreciate your beautiful heart.
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